Are you an avid reader of self-help and personal development books?

I love resource books that I dip in and out of all the time when I am looking for inspiration.

I just did a quick scan on my bookshelves, and I have 39 physical money /wealth books and lots more in my Audible and Kindle libraries 😆

I must admit I haven’t read every single book from cover to cover – some I have, however I tend to read until I get something out of it and then the book gets put to the side and goes into my library to come back to later after I have implemented what I learnt…But sad to say that doesn’t always happen.

If I made a pact to read every book cover to cover before I allowed myself to buy any more, I think it would easily carry me through to the end of Winter!

One new book often completely changes how I do something and helps me to create lasting change.

This happened when I read Profit First. It completely changed the way I manage my business revenue. And, it helped me to save up for a deposit on my home much faster than prior to picking up a copy of the book, by paying myself a percentage of any income that hit my business account before considering paying anything else. It also helped me put money aside for tax as I went, which meant I never had a tax payment due where money wasn’t already put aside in anticipation.

Likewise with E-Myth Revisited. It helped me to learn how to work ON my business as well as IN my business, and beforehand I only ever had the Technician’s hat on, and never really thought about the Manager’s hat let alone stepping into being an Entrepreneur.

Another book that was extremely impactful to me was How To Be Wildly Wealthy Fast. This was the very first money book I ever read nearly 20 years ago, when I found a copy left on a chair in a waiting room. I remember flicking through the book as I waited and was mesmerised by this idea that you could control your thoughts, that you could attract into life your desires, and you could control what money came into your life. I went straight home and ordered a copy of the book which I devoured. It was the start of my new passion and pathway to where I am today.

A few other favourites in my collection include:

📖 Rich Dad Poor Dad

📖 Think and Grow Rich

📖 A Happy Pocketful of Money

📖 Make Money Simple Again

📖 The Success Principles

📖 I Will Teach You To Be Rich

📖 Prince Charming Isn’t Coming

📖 Millionaire Success Habits

📖 The Science of Getting Rich

📖 The Psychology of Money

📖 Money and The Law of Attraction

📖 Think Your Way to Wealth

📖 The Millionaire Next Door

📖 Tapping Into Wealth

📖 Sacred Success…

And I am loving the new Robin Sharma book I picked up this week called The Wealth Money Can’t Buy. No wonder it is #1 on the New York bestsellers list.

I could go on!

I’d like to suggest you either pull a Money or Wealth book out of your library and make a commitment to read it, or go into your local bookstore and choose a money book from the range available.

There is something tangible about having a physical book in your hands, turning the pages, or flipping back through what you have read, compared to listening to one on Audible or reading on your Kindle.

I’d love to hear what book you have chosen!

Your Money Mindset Matters