Money JumpStart Program

As an introductory to Behavioural Money Coaching, one of the first things we need to review is where you are at RIGHT NOW.

When you feel like something is not quite right but you don’t know where to start, it can feel overwhelming to know just where to begin.

Transforming your relationship with money can be almost like putting together the pieces of a puzzle.

There are so many facets to consider such as:

  • The money you earn
  • How you make buying decisions
  • How you use your money
  • Understanding why you make the money decisions you do
  • What you tell yourself about money
  • What message you learnt about money growing up
  • Your self worth….. I could go on….

That’s where my Money JumpStart Program can help you in putting in the first few puzzle pieces to improving your relationship with money.

Over 2 x 2 hour private sessions delivered via Zoom I, we will go through uncovering just where you are now, and help you understand what could be impacting your money decisions in the past so we can create a different future.

Session 1 will include:

  • Uncovering your Money Story
  • Understanding your current financial position and revealing any red flags
  • Exploring Money Beliefs through Money Archetypes

Session 2 we will look at:

  • Creating Your Financial Vision
  • Goal Setting exercise for one thing you’d like to achieve in 2024 to help create your Wealthy Life – the unique process I use is quite indepth so make sure you have a juicy goal for us to dive into!

Your Money Matters 🫶

PLEASE NOTE: All information provided with Money Coaching is educational training to improve your relationship with money, and is not financial advice. Examples are not typical and results will vary from client to client.

Work With Me!