Finding Your Money Brilliance
Finding Your Money Brilliance is my groundbreaking program where we work together over a minimum period of 3 months.
As it is individual money coaching working one on one, it is designed as a confidential, non-judgement way of working together in a positive and productive way to explore, discover and transform your unconscious patterns and behaviours around money that keep you from being successful and creating your Wealthy Life.
I tailor our time together based on your individual needs and what arises during the our initial overview session where we explore your money journey to now, and the Core Process which follows.
What is The Core Process?
The Core Process is our focus for the first few weeks as we initially work through exploring your Money Biography together, identifying from whom you’ve inherited money patterns and behaviours (both positive and negative) as you were growing up and how to manage their influences. We then determine which of your gifts, talents and abilities are most valuable to you and how to leverage them to achieve your highest potential.
The Behavioural Money Coaching Process is highly experiential and during these sessions you will learn how you are “hardwired” around money in ways that are generally not fully conscious. By the end of our sessions focusing on The Core Process, you will have a clear understanding of your core money patterns and their origin and can begin to work on you developing your own individual Money Blueprint.
We will also work through releasing any negative Money Mindset patterns that emerge from exploring your money history, so that you can create new behaviours that will help you create the amazing Wealthy Life you desire.
Money Values is another area we explore to help you identify where you can ensure any money decisions you make in the future are aligned with these values.

Money Coaching Blueprint
Change of any kind can only take place under certain conditions.
In Behavioural Money Coaching, these conditions are threefold:
- An understanding and new level of awareness of what the problem or issue is
2. The willingness to change, which literally involves doing something different than what we’ve been doing previously
3. Implementing new strategies and actions for change
- An understanding and new level of awareness of what the problem or issue is
After our initial 4-6 weeks together and we have completed the deep dive into your money psychology, we move onto designing YOUR Wealthy Life, which may include creating a Spending Plan and deciding on Money Rules that are specific to you. Through this process we will literally give every dollar a job to do, so you will know what is to happen to money as it comes into your world, whether it be on a consistent basis, or irregular amounts that may be received.
We may spend more time here working on your Money Mindset and Beliefs – as mentioned as I only work 1:1 with clients, we have the luxury of being able to be quite fluid with what we choose to focus on as we uncover what is most important for you.
You have chosen to invest in yourself with me, which I honour deeply, so it is my intention to tailor the program as much as possible so you feel fully supported when transforming your relationship with money.
On-going Coaching: Support and Accountability
As your money coach, I will work with you on an on-going basis to support you and help you to stay on track and accountable to creating the changes you desire.
One of the core beliefs in Behavioural Money Coaching is that awareness needs to be followed through with action in order for meaningful change to occur. I am committed to working with you on an on-going basis and consider myself a partner in your success. As I mentioned above, on-going support and coaching programs are designed to your particular need, even after completing the Finding Your Money Brilliance program, if you choose to continue having me as part of your team. This can be accomplished in a series of fortnightly sessions to help you implement the changes you desire.
PLEASE NOTE: All information provided throughout Behavioural Money Coaching is educational training to improve your relationship with money, and is not financial advice. Examples are not typical and results will vary from client to client.